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*Thanks to ALL who have kept Patriot’s History of the United States on the NYTimes list for now eight weeks, including two weeks at #1. This week we are at #13. PHUSA finished March as the #9 book on all of Amazon, including “Twililght” and “The Blind Side.” Not bad for a 1000-pg history book!

*Thanks to all those who came out to the Midwest Homeschool Convention. I spoke to two packed houses (1,000 seats each), including, in the first talk, famed parenting advice writer John Rosemond. I recall using John’s techniques as a young parent, and found him extremely helpful.

*Preliminary word (this can always change) is that I will be on the Glenn Beck show to discuss the new book, Seven Events That Made America America on June 1.

*Mike and I have in the works, with a third collaborator Dave Dougherty, a “Documents in American History” book that will be available to accompany PHUSA for all teachers out there. We hope to have this ready in 12 months. Also, we have negotiated separately with childrens’ writer Carolyn Phelps to prepare a “Junior Patriot’s History of the United States” as well as a workbook for both the regular PHUSA and the new junior version. We hope to also have these out in the next 12 months.

*Rockin’ the Wall, the film, continues apace and is perhaps 60% complete. We hope to have a trailer out in about three weeks, and have some very, very big interviews coming up with big names.

*I am meeting next month with actor Nick Searcy (“Justified,” on FX) and Jonathan Flora (a producer at Disney) to solidify a proposal to the History Channel for a four-part series based on PHUSA. Each segment would be two hours. More on that as matters develop.

*Please note, on our front page, a new picture, Hungarian and Euro star Leslie Mandoki, a drummer and in the 1970s anticommunist student leader who now is the music producer/writer for all the Volkswagen and Audi ads. Leslie is a PHUSA fan, and is a wonderful person. We interviewed him for “Rockin’ the Wall” back in January.

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