The Patriot’s History Reader

A Patriot's History of the United States has become a modern classic for its defense of America as a unique country founded on principles of justice, equality, and freedom for all. The Patriot's History Reader continues this tradition by going back to the original sources-the documents, speeches, and legal decisions that shaped our country into what it is today. BUY NOW

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American Entrepreneur:The Fascinating Stories of the People Who Defined Business in the United States

Ever since the first colonists landed in 'The New World', Americans have forged ahead in their quest to make good on the promises of capitalism and independence. This book vividly illustrates the history of business in the United States from the point of view of the enterprising men and women who made it happen. BUY NOW!

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48 Liberal Lies About American History (That You Probably Learned in School)

Over the last forty years, history textbooks have become more and more politically correct and distorted about our country's past. The result is that students graduate from high school and even college with twisted beliefs about economics, foreign policy, war, religion, race relations, and many other subjects. BUY NOW!

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Halsey’s Bluff

What if the Japanese had won the battle of Midway in 1942? The impact on the war in the Pacific could have been momentous. In Halsey's Bluff, a new World War II novel by best-selling author Larry Schweikart, the Japanese do win---and Bull Halsey, whose fleet faces total destruction, must use all his skills as a leader and tactician to turn defeat into victory. BUY NOW!

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